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2024 EVision: Interoperability of data is a requirement for the e-mobility ecosystem
2024 EVision: Interoperability of data is a requirement for the e-mobility ecosystem. This week, we held the 2024 version of our annual EVision event, complete with all the fanfare. Facilitated at the befitting scene, Autoworld Historical center Brussels, we invited north of 260 e-portability specialists for conversations zeroed in on zapping Europe’s vehicle framework. We again collaborated with EY this year to provide you with a report on the subject. The concept: Information interoperability as a fundamental for the e-portability biological system.
As we hinted last month EVision
As we hinted last month EVision, data can serve as a link between the various players in the e-mobility ecosystem, allowing for seamless collaboration and improving the electric vehicle EVision user experience. However, most of that data is still stored in silos today. In the interest of accelerating e-mobility across Europe, our report delves into how to break down these silos.
What we will jump into today is a recap of #EVision. Enjoy!
You can find out more about this here, so we won’t go into too much detail. What we will jump into today is a recap of EVision. Enjoy! for a “fireside chat” following a welcome EVision from Eurelectric’s Secretary General, Kristian Ruby, and a recorded introduction from the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility, Georges Gilkinet.
Up for conversation was the rising size of vehicles
EVision up for conversation was the rising size of vehicles, the requirement for greener energy to drive these greener vehicles, the plan of action of the change to e-versatility and a digit of talk to and fro between two forerunners in their particular businesses. On Eurelectric’s side, our Leader requested that the OEMs guarantee that as the power area takes on masses of new electric vechiles that they can be utilized for framework adaptability EVision. As an ask from the Oem’s, Luca De Meo requested that the power area guarantee the power we use for the EVs they construct is green. Our Leader then, at that point, wrapped up by saying our areas share comparative issues and that we ought to work all the more together on the e-portability progress EVision.

Also Read : EVision

The Global Energy & Resources Leader for EY, Serge Colle, EVision
The Global Energy & Resources Leader for EY, Serge Colle, then presented our joint report on Data Interoperability: a necessity for the ecosystem of e-mobility EVision. The scene-setting presentation laid the groundwork for the two days of discussions that were to follow, with the following five points of focus.
With the CEO panel, the first session came to a close
EVision With the CEO panel, the first session came to a close. This included Serge Colle, the CEO of ENERGIFRETAGEN SVERIGE – SWEDENERGY – AB, Sa Pettersson; Michael Cole, the CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe for Europe; Remco Samuels, CEO of EVBox and President of ChargeUp Europe; and Mark Van Stiphout, Deputy Head of Unit at the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER) from the European Commission EVision.

The lively Roger Atkins moderated the discussion, which delves into the major issues that keep them up at night

The lively Roger Atkins moderated the discussion, which delves into the major issues that keep them up at night: customers, infrastructure rollout, bidirectional charging EVision, a common standard for grid communication, and, more generally, the need to collaborate on problems. Moving on to the second session of the day EVision, we were pleased to welcome Olivier Dubois, Director of EDF’s Electric Mobility Division, to deliver the keynote address. Unlocking the Power of Data Interoperability Addressing every one of the entertainers in the e-portability biological system, he featured how the information and its interoperability across the environment opens benefits for every one of the entertainers and empowers the progress. He concluded by saying that e-mobility is an excellent use case for a single European data market EVision.
After that, Eric Plaquet, President and CEO of Gireve, Joo Tato Marinho, Associate Director for Digital EVision
EVision after that, Eric Plaquet, President and CEO of Gireve, Joo Tato Marinho, Associate Director for Digital & Green Transformation Policy at DIGITALEUROPE, Pierre-Olivier Millette, Chief Technology Officer of ACEA, and Axel Volkery, Acting Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport at the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) for the European Commission, joined the discussion in the panel debate, EVision which was moderated by Dave Keating EVision. The board examined the worries around information sharing and how to address them to move the information trade forward. The most important takeaway was that the regulatory framework is already in place and that ecosystem actors must collaborate to demonstrate to consumers that their data is safe in order to build trust.
Data-Driven Grid Modernization for Electric Mobility To conclude the day, EVision
EVision Data-Driven Grid Modernization for Electric Mobility To conclude the day, our grid-cantered session featured a keynote speech by Dr. Anders Berger EVision, Director of Group Public Affairs at Volvo Group, focusing on a specific case from Germany regarding electric heavy duty vehicles (eHDVs). He emphasized that Volvo Group data indicates that they can anticipate 200,000 eHDVs in Germany by 2030. This would necessitate charging 44 GWh of electricity, which equates to 4.1 GW of peak capacity, 13 GW of installed grid capacity EVision, and infrastructure for charging. Despite representing less than 5% of Germany’s energy needs, he was happy to point out the following difficulties to the panel: How can we use this data, encourage active investment, and jointly address these difficulties?

eVision – Visual Search Technology

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